About me

I am a PhD candidate in Business Economics at the Insper Institute of Education and Research in São Paulo, Brazil. I’m currently a Visiting Research Scholar at Northwestern University with a FAPESP Fellowship.

My research interest are econometrics, with an emphasis on identification and inference.

I am originally from Londrina and earned my B.A. in Economics from FGV/EPGE in Rio de Janeiro.

For a more detailed academic profile, please visit the CV section.

Beyond the academia

I love understanding languages (and that includes programming). Besides Portuguese and English, I studied Spanish for many years - although it has been some time since I last studied it - and I am actively learning Italian. I did a high school exchange in Finland which gave me a basic undestanding of Finnish.

I also watch a lot of sports and you will regularly find me watching competitions of a wide range of events. While I don’t actively practice any, I do yoga regularly and have done so for many years.

Hear my name: Stéphanie Tramontin Shinoki